School Security
CMD is highly secure and simple-to-use. The access control system, lets you activate new cards and set policies right from our user-friendly portal. Receive email alerts and view access reports on demand. DGAPass is one more way we make security simple and also highly effective. CMD is committed to industry leading advanced security and a simple to use interface.
Safe Schools solutions from detection to response
Command Corporation manage solution makes effective access control easy

Intrusion Alarms
Take the burden of access control off your hands with CMDPass, our fully-managed service that lets you easily control access throughout your organization. Control access to doors, elevators, gates and other points of entry by person, day of week, or time of day. CMDPass is affordable and scalable from the smallest to the largest organizations. Whether you have one location or multiple locations nationwide, find out how CMDPass makes access control simple–and smart.
Visitor Management
Visitor Management streamlines the visitor process for any business. Visitors can quickly sign in, either with the help of a receptionist or at a self-service touch screen kiosk. Ask any questions; show a safety video; print name tags; or allow for automatic information capture through ID scanning. The solution integrates with any access control system.

Video Surveillance
CMD Mobile Access solution that enables your organization to answer end-user demand for convenience and choice. Extending access control functionality to a smartphone allows end-users to securely and conveniently access the workplace using their mobile device as their credential. From the front door, to the back room, and more, CMD Mobile Access helps organizations meet the growing demand for convenience in a mobile-first world.ges and who made the change. View your alarm activity via our mobile app or SystemAlert email messages.
Wireless Lockdown Case Study
When a high school actually wears out lock
mechanisms while trying to keep its students
safe, it’s definitely time for a cloud-based
wireless upgrade.
Access Control Support
Access Your System from Anywhere
The Command Corp Connect Mobile app puts the power in your hands to manage your security systems from anywhere. Discover how our tools keep you informed and help you take charge of your security and your business.
See the arming status at all of your locations
Manage your emergency notification lists
Request service
And much more!

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