Marijuana Dispensaries Security
Over four years ago we met with Marijuana Dispensaries for
the first time. Since then, we have learned what is required by the
State, what is expected by the State Officials inspecting the
systems and what we believe are best practices based on over 30
years of experience in the high-security industry.
Solutions for the Cannabis Industry
Businesses involved in manufacturing, cultivation, dispensing and other aspects of the cannabis industry need to stay compliant with ever-changing laws and regulations. CMD stays on top of the laws of each state to ensure that your security systems meet these regulatory requirements at all times. CMD is a fully integrated, full-service security systems provider, from custom design and installation to around-the-clock monitoring by our own UL Listed Monitoring Centers.

video surveillance
The video surveillance system for Marijuana Dispensaries must be designed in such a way
that both employees and patients are monitored during business
hours as well as for intruders outside of business hours.
Video surveillance for Marijuana Dispensaries starts when a vehicle enters the parking lot, it’s
imperative that we install high-resolution cameras that can
handle low light environments to best capture the make and
model of the vehicle as it enters the parking lot.
4K cameras with True Wide Dynamic Range
Next, we design the video surveillance system to monitor the perimeter of the building to view any potentially dangerous
activity in the parking lot and around the building. As someone enters the building they will be required
to push the button on the video intercom. Our latest IP Video Intercoms are fully integrated with our
Video Management Software, this allows security personnel to not only speak to the person at the door
but to also see their face and have it recorded in the system. Security personnel can at this time ask the
patient to show identification credentials before granting them access to the building.

Door Control (Electronic Access Control)
The Electronic Access Control system (EAC) compares a person’s credentials to the access control list and
grants or denies access. When access is denied based on the access control list, the door remains
locked, and a notification is sent to designated key-holders, and the event is logged in the system. If
access is granted, the control panel operates a relay unlocking the door and the system logs the event,
Intrusion Detection System
Intrusion detection systems for your Marijuana Dispensaries Security is not just for after hours when the dispensary is closed. When employees
are in the building during non-operating hours employees can arm the perimeter of the intrusion system.
This helps to reduce the risk of employees coming under attack by triggering an alarm if a door is opened
The XR550N Intrusion Detection and Door Access Control System is UL Listed for commercial use.
We use the broadband internet connection as the primary communication link, ensuring the fastest and
most secure communication to our central station.
We use a fully integrated backup cellular radio in the event that broadband connections are compromised. Our
advanced Adaptive Communication technology reduces
the risk of missed alarm, trouble or supervisory signals by
switching automatically between all communication paths.
The system checks in with our central station receivers
randomly every few minutest, if the system misses a check-in
due to a compromised communication path dispensary keyholders
are notified via text message.
We partition vestibules, waiting rooms, the dispensary and the vault into separate areas. This allow
employees to arm each area independent from any other increasing the overall security of the building
and limiting access to to specific areas to authorized persons.
Authorized persons can arm the system remotely via a secure portal or smartphone app. As a precaution,
the system can arm automatically on a schedule at a predetermined closing time. This automatic
arming time can be delayed by a designated employee(s) at the keypad if he/she is preauthorized to stay
past the scheduled arming time.
Panic, Holdup and Duress
Panic levers are positioned on the walls, at the gatekeeper’s desk, and inside the dispensary. These buttons will trigger an audible alarm. The lock-down protocol should be used at this time, and the central station will be signaled via the alarm communication system. This alarm is intended to signal a life-threatening
or emergency situations. Holdup buttons will be located under the gatekeeper’s desk and the receiving counter in the Receiving/ Storage Area. Designated employee(s) should carry wireless holdup buttons on their person. Holdup
buttons do not trigger an audible or visual alarm. The monitoring station will be automatically notified via the alarm’s communication system. This alarm should be used when a threat is already in the building. A duress code can be entered at any keypad if an employee is being forced to disarm the security system.
IP Video Intercoms and Network Speakers
We’re fully integrating the Video Intercom System and IP Speakers with the Video Management Recording System. This will record the interaction between the security desk and the person standing at the door and utilize the video camera on the intercom as a surveillance camera making it easier to view and record identification cards before the patient enters the building to confirm they’re authorized to do so. After gaining
access, the patient can then present their ID card inside at the security desk a second time.

Access Control Support
Access Your System from Anywhere
The Command Corp Connect Mobile app puts the power in your hands to manage your security systems from anywhere. Discover how our tools keep you informed and help you take charge of your security and your business.
See the arming status at all of your locations
Manage your emergency notification lists
Request service
And much more!

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